Moghalu Picks Umma Getso From Kano State as Running Mate!
Professor Kingsley Moghalu, the presidential candidate of the Young Progressives Party (YPP) and former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has announced Mrs. Umma Getso, the Deputy National Chairman of the YPP as his vice-presidential running mate for the 2019 elections.
Mrs. Getso, 37, is from Kano State. She is a political activist and business entrepreneur who previously co-founded the National Progressive Movement (NPM).
Mrs. Getso is a passionate advocate for the education of the girl-child in the northern states of Nigeria.
She is also the daughter of the late Abdullahi Giwa Getso, a political leader in Kano in his lifetime.
Abdullahi Getso was elected a senator in 1983 on the platform of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN).
Moghalu says he chose Getso because of his belief that the solution to Nigeria’s problems lies with the youth demographic.
“My choice of Umma Getso is recognition of her talent, leadership ability, and a passionate commit-ment to a better future for the youth of Nigeria”, says Prof. Moghalu in a statement. “It also is consistent with my strong commitment to women as full partners in nation-building. I restate my target of 50:50 gender parity in the composition of my cabinet as President of Nigeria in 2019”.
Founded in 2017, the YPP is anchored on an ideology of a progressive society in which the citizen, rather than politicians and their vested interests, is enthroned as the focus of governance.
Professor Moghalu has been traversing the length and breadth of Nigeria to deliver a message of hope and change of the old order.
“The old guard and the establishment are well aware that the game is over for them. They know that their time is up. Getso and I have come to disrupt the old way of doing things while ushering a new, more productive and creative method of governance”, Moghalu said